Our curatorial projects are broad and complex frames of experience configured for aims beyond spectatorship. We envision these frames of experience leading to wider realisations amongst the audience. These include inter-disciplinary connections and multi-modal experiences - an experience design oriented towards an expansive, yet isolated viewing experience. Exhibitions are a form of praxis for us and are linked to our Research and Education programs. We are constantly developing the formats of these exhibitions to include interest-points for multiple age-groups and the ever-widening varieties of audiences. In the art historical frame, we study the conceptual evolution of an exhibition in the contemporary  world, and explore ways that remedy the tendencies of exclusion and inaccessibility.

We aim to combine the roles and functions of a laboratory,therapy room, library and the viewing room. Perhaps this idea is ambitious and futuristic, but it attempts to capture instinctively what we perceive as the neglected needs of an audience – a mode of experiencing art that is not didactic, but sensory and accessible without any special training. We strive to create a broader audience interest in art and believe that our chosen mode of expansive and immersive experience is a way to achieve this.